Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Characteristics of a Knowledge and Value- Centered Manager Essays

Characteristics of a Knowledge and Value- Centered Manager Essays Characteristics of a Knowledge and Value- Centered Manager Essay Characteristics of a Knowledge and Value- Centered Manager Essay Characteristics of a Knowledge- and Value-Centered Manager 10 characteristics necessary for an effective manager: Vision- knowledge centered Ability to motivate- value centered Efficiency- knowledge centered Organization- knowledge centered Control- knowledge centered Ability to plan- knowledge centered Positive attitude- value centered Sense perspective- value centered Respect- value centered Trust- value centered All of these characteristics add value for an effective manager. The first one is vision; this helps because everyone starts something with a view of what it will become. This will also help motivate other by knowing as your company grows it will improve and be something great because, the whole team has worked together. You need a vision so you have a goal/ something to work towards. A manager needs to be efficient, because they have many responsibilities that need to be fulfilled and people depending on them. They need to be organized also because, they have so many responsibilities and so little time. Managers need to control their company, if you have a group of regular employees telling you what to do confusion starts, because there is not a designated person to go to for issues. So it is safe to say, you should know your role. A manager needs to have the ability to plan, everything might come at you and you will have to know what to do. Say you have a restaurant; you would have to plan on ‘chilly’ more in winter months than you would at other times of the year. When a manager you need to have a positive attitude, you cannot expect your employee to have a positive attitude when you don’t have one. Besides that it’s good for business, people are not going to want to go somewhere that has snotty service. Sense perspective is something a manager should have; respect is a very important quality. More often than not if your manager shows respect to you, it will catch on. A manager should want to gain their employees trust. I know at my first job I had a boss and I mean boss. I know that it felt awkward eating lunch beside her.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Calculating Reading Level With the Flesch-Kincaid Scale

Calculating Reading Level With the Flesch-Kincaid Scale Are you writing at an appropriate grade level? There are several scales and calculations used to determine the readability or grade level of a piece of writing. One of the most common scales is the Flesch-Kincaid scale. You can determine the Flesch-Kincaid reading grade level of a paper you’ve written easily in Microsoft Word. There is a tool for this that you access from your menu bar. You can either calculate an entire paper, or you can highlight a section and then calculate. Steps Go to TOOLS and select OPTIONS and SPELLING GRAMMARSelect the box CHECK GRAMMAR WITH SPELLINGSelect the box SHOW READABILITY STATISTICS and select OKAYTo generate the readability statistic now, select SPELLING AND GRAMMAR from the toolbar at the top of the page. The tool will go through its recommended changes and provide readability statistics at the end You can use a formula to calculate the Flesch-Kincaid reading level on your own. This is a good tool to determine whether a book is going to challenge you Calculating Readability of Your Writing Select a few paragraphs to use as your baseCalculate the average number of words per sentence. Multiply the result by 0.39Calculate the average number of syllables in words (count and divide) Multiply the result by 11.8Add the two results togetherSubtract 15.59 The result will be a number that equates to a grade level. For example, a 6.5 is a sixth-grade reading level result.